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2.4.a. Consideration and action on adopting a Resolution honoring State Champions, Sinton Independent School District Future Problem Solving Teams from Sinton Elementary and Smith Middle School at the Competition held on April 12, 2024 in Waco, Texas.
6. Consideration and action on all items discussed in the Executive Session.
1.3. Citizens to be heard
1.4. Report from Judge, Commissioner or Department concerning an item/report of community interest.
2.1. Approval of minutes
2.2.a. Examination, consideration, and action on approval of all claims against San Patricio County Pursuant to section 113.064, Texas Local Government Code.
2.2.b. Consideration and action on Budget Line Items, Transfers, and Amendments.
2.2.c. Consideration and action on accepting bank reconciliation, investment reports, and related matters by County Treasurer.
2.3. Consent Agenda
2.4.b. Presentation and discussion on "Awareness of Sex Trafficking", presentation by Tiffany Hernandez, Common Thread Regional Partnerships Coordinator (Tabled from May 6, 2024).
2.4.c. Consideration and action on appointing Tom Yardley as Proxy for Tom Bridges on the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Board of Directors in the event of his absence.
2.4.d. Consideration and action to allow the County Auditor's Office to provide public notice for conducting an on-line Public Auction through GovDeals as required under LGC 263.153.
2.4.e. Consideration and action on request from John Hernandez, P. E., County Engineer, for the EOC Change Proposal #20 - a credit for the "Structural Steel Framing" in the amount of $-10,000.00 and Change Proposal #21 - a credit for the remaining Allowance balance of $-39,775.00 for a total of credit of $-49,775.00 to the Contract.
2.4.f. Consideration, Discussion and/or possible action on request by Susan Price, for speed bumps to be placed on CR 4343 for safety reasons. (Tabled from May 6, 2024 Meeting)
2.4.g. Consideration and Action on Sheriff's request to amend the Securus contract for telephone services, Securus to provide an additional portable telephone for use in level 2 of the Jail at no additional cost to contract.
2.4.h. Consideration and action on directing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFQ for Engineering Services for the Texas Department of Agriculture, Community Development Block Grant Program Colonia Fund.
2.4.i. Consideration and action on request from Melanie Cooper, Grant Manager, to award a contract RFP2024-004 with Certain Reelity Studios for Library video production using ARPA Funds for $65,627.85.
2.4.j. Consideration and action on request from Melanie Cooper, Grant Manager, on awarding a contract RFP2024-003 for GIS/Enterprise Software to Environmental System Research Institute, Inc (esri) for $89,900.00 with $74,191.67 ARPA funded and $15,708.33 County Funded.
2.4.k. Consider and action to approve McCampbell-Porter name change to Ingleside Regional Airport McCampbell-Porter Field.
2.4.l.i) Consideration and action on a request from Lilly Wilkinson, Commissioner of Precinct #3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Precinct #3 and the Odem Little League concerning improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park in Odem, TX (tabled from March 25, 2024 Commissioners Court). ii) Consideration and action on a request from Lilly WIlkinson, Commissioner of Precint 3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Pct 3 and the City of Odem for improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park Odem, TX for the benefit of the Odem Little League. ii) Consideration and action on a request from Lilly WIlkinson, Commissioner of Precint 3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Pct 3 and the City of Odem for improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park Odem, TX for the benefit of the Odem Little League.
2.4.m. Consideration and action on request from Commissioner Lilly Wilkinson, Pct 3 for Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Precinct 3 and City of Odem for light roadwork and/or motor vehicle and heavy equipment repairs.
May 13, 2024 Commissioner's Court
Full agenda
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Full agenda
2.4.a. Consideration and action on adopting a Resolution honoring State Champions, Sinton Independent School District Future Problem Solving Teams from Sinton Elementary and Smith Middle School at the Competition held on April 12, 2024 in Waco, Texas.
6. Consideration and action on all items discussed in the Executive Session.
1.3. Citizens to be heard
1.4. Report from Judge, Commissioner or Department concerning an item/report of community interest.
2.1. Approval of minutes
2.2.a. Examination, consideration, and action on approval of all claims against San Patricio County Pursuant to section 113.064, Texas Local Government Code.
2.2.b. Consideration and action on Budget Line Items, Transfers, and Amendments.
2.2.c. Consideration and action on accepting bank reconciliation, investment reports, and related matters by County Treasurer.
2.3. Consent Agenda
2.4.b. Presentation and discussion on "Awareness of Sex Trafficking", presentation by Tiffany Hernandez, Common Thread Regional Partnerships Coordinator (Tabled from May 6, 2024).
2.4.c. Consideration and action on appointing Tom Yardley as Proxy for Tom Bridges on the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Board of Directors in the event of his absence.
2.4.d. Consideration and action to allow the County Auditor's Office to provide public notice for conducting an on-line Public Auction through GovDeals as required under LGC 263.153.
2.4.e. Consideration and action on request from John Hernandez, P. E., County Engineer, for the EOC Change Proposal #20 - a credit for the "Structural Steel Framing" in the amount of $-10,000.00 and Change Proposal #21 - a credit for the remaining Allowance balance of $-39,775.00 for a total of credit of $-49,775.00 to the Contract.
2.4.f. Consideration, Discussion and/or possible action on request by Susan Price, for speed bumps to be placed on CR 4343 for safety reasons. (Tabled from May 6, 2024 Meeting)
2.4.g. Consideration and Action on Sheriff's request to amend the Securus contract for telephone services, Securus to provide an additional portable telephone for use in level 2 of the Jail at no additional cost to contract.
2.4.h. Consideration and action on directing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFQ for Engineering Services for the Texas Department of Agriculture, Community Development Block Grant Program Colonia Fund.
2.4.i. Consideration and action on request from Melanie Cooper, Grant Manager, to award a contract RFP2024-004 with Certain Reelity Studios for Library video production using ARPA Funds for $65,627.85.
2.4.j. Consideration and action on request from Melanie Cooper, Grant Manager, on awarding a contract RFP2024-003 for GIS/Enterprise Software to Environmental System Research Institute, Inc (esri) for $89,900.00 with $74,191.67 ARPA funded and $15,708.33 County Funded.
2.4.k. Consider and action to approve McCampbell-Porter name change to Ingleside Regional Airport McCampbell-Porter Field.
2.4.l.i) Consideration and action on a request from Lilly Wilkinson, Commissioner of Precinct #3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Precinct #3 and the Odem Little League concerning improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park in Odem, TX (tabled from March 25, 2024 Commissioners Court). ii) Consideration and action on a request from Lilly WIlkinson, Commissioner of Precint 3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Pct 3 and the City of Odem for improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park Odem, TX for the benefit of the Odem Little League. ii) Consideration and action on a request from Lilly WIlkinson, Commissioner of Precint 3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Pct 3 and the City of Odem for improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park Odem, TX for the benefit of the Odem Little League.
2.4.m. Consideration and action on request from Commissioner Lilly Wilkinson, Pct 3 for Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Precinct 3 and City of Odem for light roadwork and/or motor vehicle and heavy equipment repairs.
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