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*A portion of this video is without audio*
1.4. Report from Judge, Commissioner or Department concerning an item/report of community interest.
2.1. Approval of minutes
2.2.a. Examination, consideration, and action on approval of all claims against San Patricio County Pursuant to section 113.064, Texas Local Government Code.
2.2.b. Consideration and action on Budget Line Items, Transfers, and Amendments.
2.2.c. Consideration and action on accepting bank reconciliation, investment reports, and related matters by County Treasurer.
2.3. Consent Agenda
2.4. a. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) request to go back to calculating San Patricio County Service Awards as previously calculated. Where each employee starts over in Service calculations when they re-start with the County and previous time worked at the County is not included in the calculation.
2.4.b. Consideration and action on property, boiler, and machinery insurance renewal proposal and alternatives submitted by McGriff Insurance Services Inc.
2.4. c. Consideration and action on request from Kimberly Watson Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Manager, to enter into a contract with Homeland Preparedness. This contract is for the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) that has been approved. This grant is no cost to the County and is 100% grant funded.
2.4.d. Consideration and action on a request from John Hernandez, County Engineer, on accepting Road Bond Project 19-3 Rancho Chico: a. Including Final Release of Retainage payment in the amount of $215,769.09 b. Executing Change Order #4 - Rectifying of final bid items for a credit of $40,632.28 c. Begin warranty period beginning 12/7/2023
2.4. e. Discussion, consideration and action on AIA Document G704-2017 Certificate of Substantial Completion of San Patricio County Tornadic & Hurricane Resistant Safe Room (aka Emergency Operations Center
2.4.f. Consideration and action on request from John Hernandez, San Patricio County Engineer, for proposal from Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc. to perform "In-Place Soil Compaction (Nuclear Method)" in the amount of $22,505.00. This soil compaction testing is for the Justice Center's building footprint.
2.4.g. Consideration and action on a request from Lilly Wilkinson, Commissioner of Precinct #3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Precinct #3 and the Odem Little League concerning improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park in Odem, TX.
2.4.h. Consideration and action on renewing the existing debris removal contract for 2024-2025 with Crowder Gulf.
2.4.i. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for Ventilation for the Sheriff and JV facilities.
2.4.j. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for Data Remediation for the transition from 911 to the next generation.
2.4.k. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to award RFP2024-003 for GIS/Enterprise Software to Environmental System Research Institute, Inc (esri) for $89,900.00 with ARPA Funds.
2.4.l. Consideration of the Grant Committee recommendations for the following applications in the March meeting: 1. TDA- Colonia Fund Construction Program – Application 2024 2. TDHCA-HOME - Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance (HRA) 3. TDHCA-HOME - Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) 4. TDHCA- Amy Young Barrier Removal Program (AYBR) Disabilities 5. TxDOT- STEP - Sheriff
2.4.m. Consideration and action on San Patricio Grant Department's request to Apply to the Texas Department of Community Affairs (TDHCA) Amy Young Barrier Removal (AYBR) Program funded through the Texas Housing Trust Fund
2.4.n. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for a Grant Administrator for Texas Department of Community Affairs (TDHCA) HOME Investment Partnership programs and Amy Young Barrier Removal (AYBR).
2.4.o. Consideration and action on San Patricio Grant Department's request to Apply to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Colonia Fund and approve Resolution for the application.
2.4.p. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for a Grant Administrator for the Texas Department of Agriculture, Community Development Block Grant Program Colonia Fund.
2.4.q. Consideration and action on San Patricio Grant Department's request to Apply to the Texas Department of Community Affairs (TDHCA) HOME Investment Partnership program Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance (HRA).
Mar 25, 2024 Commissioner's Court
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
*A portion of this video is without audio*
1.4. Report from Judge, Commissioner or Department concerning an item/report of community interest.
2.1. Approval of minutes
2.2.a. Examination, consideration, and action on approval of all claims against San Patricio County Pursuant to section 113.064, Texas Local Government Code.
2.2.b. Consideration and action on Budget Line Items, Transfers, and Amendments.
2.2.c. Consideration and action on accepting bank reconciliation, investment reports, and related matters by County Treasurer.
2.3. Consent Agenda
2.4. a. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) request to go back to calculating San Patricio County Service Awards as previously calculated. Where each employee starts over in Service calculations when they re-start with the County and previous time worked at the County is not included in the calculation.
2.4.b. Consideration and action on property, boiler, and machinery insurance renewal proposal and alternatives submitted by McGriff Insurance Services Inc.
2.4. c. Consideration and action on request from Kimberly Watson Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Manager, to enter into a contract with Homeland Preparedness. This contract is for the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) that has been approved. This grant is no cost to the County and is 100% grant funded.
2.4.d. Consideration and action on a request from John Hernandez, County Engineer, on accepting Road Bond Project 19-3 Rancho Chico: a. Including Final Release of Retainage payment in the amount of $215,769.09 b. Executing Change Order #4 - Rectifying of final bid items for a credit of $40,632.28 c. Begin warranty period beginning 12/7/2023
2.4. e. Discussion, consideration and action on AIA Document G704-2017 Certificate of Substantial Completion of San Patricio County Tornadic & Hurricane Resistant Safe Room (aka Emergency Operations Center
2.4.f. Consideration and action on request from John Hernandez, San Patricio County Engineer, for proposal from Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc. to perform "In-Place Soil Compaction (Nuclear Method)" in the amount of $22,505.00. This soil compaction testing is for the Justice Center's building footprint.
2.4.g. Consideration and action on a request from Lilly Wilkinson, Commissioner of Precinct #3 for an Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Precinct #3 and the Odem Little League concerning improving and reconstructing areas of One Owl Square, Little League Park in Odem, TX.
2.4.h. Consideration and action on renewing the existing debris removal contract for 2024-2025 with Crowder Gulf.
2.4.i. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for Ventilation for the Sheriff and JV facilities.
2.4.j. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for Data Remediation for the transition from 911 to the next generation.
2.4.k. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to award RFP2024-003 for GIS/Enterprise Software to Environmental System Research Institute, Inc (esri) for $89,900.00 with ARPA Funds.
2.4.l. Consideration of the Grant Committee recommendations for the following applications in the March meeting: 1. TDA- Colonia Fund Construction Program – Application 2024 2. TDHCA-HOME - Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance (HRA) 3. TDHCA-HOME - Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) 4. TDHCA- Amy Young Barrier Removal Program (AYBR) Disabilities 5. TxDOT- STEP - Sheriff
2.4.m. Consideration and action on San Patricio Grant Department's request to Apply to the Texas Department of Community Affairs (TDHCA) Amy Young Barrier Removal (AYBR) Program funded through the Texas Housing Trust Fund
2.4.n. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for a Grant Administrator for Texas Department of Community Affairs (TDHCA) HOME Investment Partnership programs and Amy Young Barrier Removal (AYBR).
2.4.o. Consideration and action on San Patricio Grant Department's request to Apply to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Colonia Fund and approve Resolution for the application.
2.4.p. Consideration and action on allowing the Auditor's Office to issue an RFP for a Grant Administrator for the Texas Department of Agriculture, Community Development Block Grant Program Colonia Fund.
2.4.q. Consideration and action on San Patricio Grant Department's request to Apply to the Texas Department of Community Affairs (TDHCA) HOME Investment Partnership program Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance (HRA).
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